Overview: The GBC V800pro is a hotknife Velobind binding system that permanently binds using eleven pinVelobind strips. In fact, this machine uses heat to securely rivet thepages of your documents in place.It is the introductorymodel to GBC hot knife binding and is designed for low to moderatevolume users books that are up to one inch thick.Also knownas the GBC Velobind System One, the V800pro provides a highly secureand professional finish to your most important documents.Thismakes it especially popular with government agencies, lawyers,accountants and financial service companies who are looking to preventusers from tampering with their documents. Strengths / Features: TheVelobind system one offers a medium duty manual punch. When I tested mydemo unit here in the office I was able to punch 23 sheets of 20lbpaper.
However,Cold Heading Part Manufacturers the handle was difficult to pull down. I would suggestpunching between 15-18 sheets with this machine. The punch is also ableto punch clear covers and plastic poly covers. However, you should onlypunch two plastic covers at a time. The U shaped punching handleincluded on this machine was easy to use and is excellent for bothright and left handed individuals.The V800pro can binddocuments up to one inch thick. One of the great things about thissystem is that you only need one style of strip for any documentthickness up to one inch. With other punch and bind systems you need adifferent size of spine for every different size of document that youbind. This machine uses the same eleven pin hot knife spine to bind anydocument up to one inch. This significantly cuts down on supply costsand space issues that are created by stocking a large variety ofbinding supplies.The bind produced by this machine isincredibly secure. After punching your document you place the Velobindcomb through the holes and through the receiving strip and then loadeverything onto the binding machine. The V800pro will cut off theexcess portion of the pins and uses heat to rivet the strip in place.Once a document is bound with this binding system, the only way to editit is to cut the binding strip using a debinding tool.GBCVelobind provides the ability to create highly professionalpresentations and proposals. In fact, it is one of the mostprofessional binding styles on the market. Using the V800pro it ispossible to create high quality, impressive bound documents, reportsand presentations with your own customized binding covers. Weaknesses / Limitations: Oneof the main limitations of the V800 pro is the thickness of documentsthat it can bind.
Although Velobind is capable of binding documents upto three inches thick, this machine is only designed to bind documentsthat up to one inch thick. Users who need to bind documents that arethicker than one inch will need to consider the Velobind System Two orThree.One inch Velobind strips are available in a limitednumber of colors and lengths. Although the System One can punchvirtually any length of document up to fourteen inches in length, thelengths that you can bind with this machine are limited by the stripsthat are available on the market. A number of different colors areavailable for binding letter sized documents. However, if you want tobind either legal or 8.5" documents you will be limited to blackspines. Other lengths of Velobind spines are simply not available.Organizations that need to bind lengths other than 11", 14" or 8.5"should not choose this system since the supplies are simply notavailable.Although the security offered by this system is adefinite plus it can also be a pain if you need to edit your documents.A special Velobind Debinding tool is available to help you safely cutthe strips off your documents for editing. Users of this system shouldreally consider purchasing this tool. Attempting to use a razor bladeknife or other sharp implement to debind a document bound with Velobindcan be extremely dangerous. The debinder tool offers a protected bladethat will keep your fingers safe during the debinding process. Recommendation: TheVelobind V800pro is an excellent binding system for small to mediumsized organizations that are looking for a highly professional bindingsystem.This system offers the ultimate in security andallows users to use a single size of binding strip for creatingdocuments up to one inch thick.However, organizations thatneed to bind documents that are thicker than one inch or who need tobind custom document lengths should probably consider a differentbinding system.This system is ideal for light volume bindingusers who need to create a few dozen documents per week. Larger userswho need to bind multiple reports on a daily basis may want to considera larger machine with an electric punch such as the Velobind System Two.
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